Sports - East Northport, New York, United States
For Recruiters, Players, Coaches, and Parents. LIYFA is the Heart of Long Island Youth Football. Join the Movement to Elevate LI Youth Football! It's no secret that in Long Island, NY, Football takes a back seat to Lacrosse, Soccer, and some other sports. Where then do passionate young football players look for growth and opportunity? Where do they look for guidance? In the South youth football opportunities are endless, and as a result there are numerous youth football powers and a long list of division I commitments. How then can Long Island compete? LIYFA is a group of the most passionate Leaders, Coaches, Parents, and Players in Long Island Youth Football. These are people who Live, Eat, Sleep, and Breathe FOOTBALL, who have banded together to raise the level of exposure for the region. In the past 2 years the level of play has increased from the Pee-Wee level on up as a result of LIYFA efforts. Instruction is better, the game is safer, and there is more competition. More former NFL players have gotten involved in youth football in the past two years then in the previous 5 years combined! Travel select teams have been born, the number of camps, clinics, and combines has increased, and the gap between youth and high school is being bridged. People in Long Island are becoming excited about football! Our mission is to raise the level of play, raise the level of exposure, and provide more opportunities for Long Island players who think this is the greatest game on earth. Let NCAA recruiters find this diamond in the rough.
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