Entertainment - Santa Clarita, California, United States
lot W films, founded by filmmaker Brian Imbler, is dedicated to producing trend setting cutting edge faith-based crossover feature films that meet the world with Hollywood quality production, great storylines and authentic characters and dialogue. Instead of packaging a sermon in a movie, lot W films takes the approach of posing a faith question regarding the nature of Jesus Christ within the framework of the movie without creating the white-washed effect we see in so many "Christian" films.As a filmmaker and follower of Christ, Brian Imbler's focus is on breaking the typical "Faith Film" mold and creating comedies based on authentic experiences we encounter. The intent is to gain the trust of the audience so that they can accept and digest the faith question posed in the movie. This is very much the model Christ gave us when he approached those outside of his circle - first meet a physical need (in this case high quality entertainment), then make them think by pointing them to the truth!'re-Birthday' is the company's first produced film, which was completed in June of 2012 (please visit www.re-birthdaymovie.com). Several projects are currently in development with plans for shooting the next film in 2013.