Financial Services - Fort Worth, Texas, United States
Are you getting the most out of your insurance and risk management programs? Whether it's limited time and resources or the pressure to consistently grow revenue and exceed goals, Lowder Consulting Group understands the challenges that many lenders face. Our many years of experience and product expertise can offer you a simple solution to get you where you need to be, without adding to overhead expenses and staff workload. Looking to make current processes more efficient? Wanting to get a better understanding of the market and competition? Considering doing a full end-to-end RFP process on your insurance products? We can help. It's our passion to bring you the help you need, so you can focus on what you do best.Kellie Lowder, founder and President, brings 25 years' experience of helping financial institutions improve their business. For the last 15 years, she focused on risk management and insurance solutions for clients across the United States. Her expertise and trustworthiness have earned her an excellent reputation in the market, as well as many lasting client friendships. Whether helping answer operational questions or guiding clients through a long RFP process and product change, Kellie's clients have come to trust her judgement on many different product lines and business decisions. She is a licensed insurance agent who is considered a leader in the industry.
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