Hospital & Health Care - New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
Welcome to the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center in New Orleans. We are dedicated to the principles of providing exceptional patient care, training outstanding residents, and engaging in innovative research.Our faculty is fellowship-trained in all specialties and is dedicated to continued scholarly activities. Many of the faculty are involved in innovative research. A unique feature of the LSU orthopaedic department is the multi-disciplinary approach to treating orthopaedic conditions and the treatment of the ‘whole' patient for maximum function.An extensive alumni base across the state further enhances the educational and collaborative efforts. It is estimated that 70% of the orthopedists practicing in the state are graduates of our program.Education is the primary focus of the department. Our residency program accepts four residents each year through the NRMP & ERAS programs. We also offer a pediatric fellowship. Most program graduates choose to complete a specialty fellowship after graduation. Our residents are very involved in the day-to-day running of the program and are active members of the department and University committees. Residents are promoted based on their competency towards set goals & objectives and take an active role in their leadership development throughout their five years of training.