International Trade & Development - Santa Barbara, California, United States
NEWS: FROM JUNE 2017 WILL CONTINUE UNDER MOBISOL.Mobisol will ensure continuity of Lumeter's services to its customers and its mission to deliver an innovative PAYG software solution to underserved areas of the world.visit: for more info---Lumeter is enabling a world with green, affordable electricity for all.--Mission--Lumeter produces a pre-paid electricity meter and cloud-based accounting platform to extend power to the 1.3B rural, off-grid people in the developing world.--Description--Today there exists a chasm between village-level entrepreneurs with sustainable energy resources like wind turbines and villagers with uncertain capital and nominal power needs. Lumeter Networks is bridging that gap by creating an SMS-based pay-as-you-go network and providing ultra-affordable power meters to the bottom of the pyramid.
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