Construction - , ,
Luna Park Productions, Inc.Luna Park Productions has become locally renowned for conceptual innovation through their challenging and meticulous design and build practice. The production facility consists of highly skilled graphic and industrial designers, supported by a number of proficient tradesmen and specialized collaborators. Luna Park Productions is a service oriented company and is willing to take a hands on approach by offering services from conceptual beginnings, to a successful design, build execution, with in multiple environments. Luna Park welcomes various scenarios in our line of work. This could mean simply the fabrication of a pre-designed project in your specific field, or the designation for Luna Park Productions to put together a complete project, with the option of leaving direct client sales to producers and other firms. Luna Park collaborates with production companies, architects, general contractors, builders, design firms, marketing firms, exhibitors, retailers, home owners, and those seeking a helping hand with vision, direction, or simply out of the ordinary construction services. We are a highly skilled set of individuals, and will make available which ever specific skill set you prefer.Core Purpose: To create better environmentsCore Values: Personal Freedom, Organized collaborative process, Truth, transparency and straightforwardness, User Centric Approach, Excellence in product and integrity.
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