- San Francisco, California, United States
We believe, the internet needs helpInternet is powerful, It should be responsibleInstead, we have moved from information to mis-information ageSocial overload is bottling us up. We need a space to speak our mind freely , without fear of judgement , rejection or harassment. Hence we created a social interaction network Lyfstori, an Internet of Communities, because Iduviduals may be reckless , communities enjoy collective wisdom. Here you can respond to the world in three different ways. Vemtas: Birds tweet, Communities Roar. Communities can democratically select opinion on issues , as the community opinionXchange: One o One conversation. share and exchange your lifestories first, meet later if both liked the conversationCandid: recieve and give compliments anyone,anywhere, anytime We have strived to install a sense of empowerment in our users and allowed them to express themselves as freely as they can responsibly.Lystori presented within is a game changerIt has the potential to build community and exercise responsibility through it and build a place to belong and live withinIndividuals will get a certain sense of empowerment and will express themselves more freelyA decentralized, community driven approach to the internet to be more: Responsible Representative Inclusive DemocraticWe are encouraging real life influencers , through our game changing algorithm Lyfstori is an Internet of Communities, consisting of a social interaction network, woven around campuses and communities and micro communities, where you have quirky and fun ways to interact and feel empowered through free exchange of expressions. No fear.