Management Consulting - Porto Alegre, State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Our job is to help organizations in various topics: - Through the mapping of processes, suggest improvements, suggest changes in procedures and updating its procedures. - Develop and implement programs for Development and Qualification of Suppliers - Develop programs for change management. - Develop the teams (coordinate and operationalize) the use of Quality Tools (PDCA, Poka Yoke, the Ishikawa diagram, 8D, etc.).- Assist the organization in Organizational Identification (Mission, Vision, Values, Policies, etc.).- Assist organizations in Certifications ISO9001, ISO14001 and OHSAS18001. - Develop and implement programs of Housekeeping (5S). - Conduct Kaizen events - Establish the Team Building (CCQ and Improvement Teams). - Develop and implement the TPM (Total Productive Maintenance).