Management Consulting - , ,
M Nardone Company specializes in the management of transition, growth, and change in the workplace. We help clients improve organizational performance and effectiveness.Our services include organizational consulting, leadership development, executive coaching and assessment, executive team building, process consultation, cross-cultural training and conflict resolution.Members of our consulting team hold advanced degrees in psychology, organizational behavior, organizational consulting and business. They have experience in a wide range of industries across North America, Asia and Europe. As a result, we have the unique advantage of employing a psychological and management science perspective with cross-cultural awareness to help a diverse group of clients improve organizational performance and effectiveness. We are certified in several 360 tools including Hay's Emotional Social Competence Inventory, Leadership Styles and Organizational Climate Survey. We have familiarity with several others including PDI's 360. We are licensed Providers of the Heartmath Stress Reduction Program, the Team Management System's Team Management Profile and the Highlands Ability Battery. As psychologists, we are experts in intelligence and psychological testing.