Apparel & Fashion - Joydebpur, Dhaka Division, Bangladesh
M R Sweater employs over 410 skilled workers & managerial staff in its production facilities, where we have 28,000 sq ft areas with all modern facilities presently all it's major departments like marketing planning, procurement, finance, shipping are going to be located in its head office at Dhaka. M R Sweater is a BSCI certified factory [DBID: 398513] As an emerging sweater-manufacturing unit, M R sweaters has a good capacity in 3, 5, 7 & 12GG. The present production capacity is of about 85,000 pcs per month, Gauge wise break down of the production capacity is as follows:Gauge Knitting Machines Capacity 12GG 70 Nos 30,000 pcs12GG (Jacquard) 24 nos3GG 30 Nos 55,000 pcs5GG 30 Nos 7GG 50 Nos 7GG (Jaquard ) 12 Nos 5 &7GG(Jcquard) 24 Nos Total production Month : 80,000 - 85,000 pcs Total production year : 10,00,000 pcs