Machinery - Tegucigalpa, Departamento de Francisco Morazán, Honduras
Martinez Aeschlimann Brothers Consulting Engineers design and manage the mechanical designprocess of many projects in Central America. Through our work we are helping to create sustainableenvironmental mechanical systems with an attractive energy efficiency performance to provide ourclients the best design options for their comfort requirements and economical needs.Our core expertise is the building calculation requirements, design, supervision and energy audits ofheating, ventilating, air conditioning, refrigerating, hydronic and compressed air systems.Since engineer's team works as consultants in 1997 we have designed more than 300 mechanicalsystems for different applications and project areas.Our aim as designers is to provide our clients with sustainable, value-for-money, innovate projectswhich live up to surpass expectations. We consistently re-focus on our client's requirementsthroughout the life of each project.We deliver load calculations, thermal buildings models, full systems designs, technicalspecifications, constructive details, digital planes, system budget, diagnose reports, energy audits,yield analysis and third party designs review services in the following sectors: Residential,Commercial, Industrial, Medical, Educational & Institutional.