Retail - Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal
Made in Guiné-Bissau was born in June 2018 in Lisbon.What do we do?We promote and sell all art and culture from Guinea-Bissau ; Handcrafts, Paintings, Fashion, Literature, Tourism, Cinema, Music, Dance, Traditional musical instruments. and organize events, concerts, fairs, etc.Our Goal?Is to take the talent and quality of our Art and Culture, which is based on Tradition, to the four corners of the World. Always in the best venues, in an original and attractive way.Why?Because of our cultural richness, and our artistic singularity.Guinea-Bissau is enormously rich in its Biodiversity and History. We are a People with several Etnies and Religions, each one of them with its specificities and secular history living peacefully together on a beautiful country.Guinea-Bissau is the birthplace of several musical genres and instruments. The importance of inventing and crafting musical instruments, its meanings, the spiritual connection to Nature and the Supernatural, make our musical tradition unique. This is the Core of what MadeinGuinéBissau wants to promote and sell throughout the World.We are the birthplace of Music as we know it. The Kora, Balafon (UNESCO Patrimony since 2014), Tina (Cabaz water drum), Bombolom, Rec-Rec, Chocalho de pulso, Cabaça, Kunna, Flauta de lama, Flauta transversal, etc.We aim to introduce the world to our high quality musicians, artists and artisans. And with that in mind we have planned events of many sorts to divulge our traditions, sounds and products, but in a way that's appealing to the digital modern World we live in today.