Investment Management - Bredene, Vlaams Gewest, Belgium
Maecenas Group is a venture catalyst: a company platform that turns ideas into companies.Maecenas Group allows entrepreneurs to focus on their talent. By taking care of necessary and crucial processes such as HR, legal, finance and accounting, the entrepreneur can fully focus on turning an innovative concept into a successful company. Maecenas Group successfully uses its company platform for its own technology ventures. Parcify, VicThorious, Fitnatic, Hyperlane and Guardway are innovative product companies targeting different audiences (from B2B to B2C, from local SME to worldwide enterprises). These ventures are crafted with the service designers from Superlab and supported by the ICT service desk of Integrio.In addition to our own ventures, we offer our experience and expertise as a venture catalyst to other entrepreneurs. If you have got an innovative business idea with IT as enabler, please feel free to contact us!
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