Hospital/Clinic - Milwaukee, WI, US
Our MissionMBS is an organization committed to providing person-centered, individualized, and evidence-based services for individuals with autism and related disorders. Our vision is to strive for the highest level of excellence, and that with a strong focus on our core beliefs and guiding principles, Magnitude Behavioral Services will become recognized as the preferred:-Provider of choice for individuals & families-Collaborative partner of choice for schools & related therapies-Employer of choice for dedicated, motivated and skilled cliniciansCore Values & Guiding PrinciplesPerson CenteredAny time a decision needs to be made, the first consideration is what is in the best interest of the client. Before it is a business or financial decision, it is a person-centered decision.IndividualizedIt is essential to customize the treatment plan and the intervention methods for each individual. We are committed to individualizing our therapeutic approach to meet each client's unique needs.Evidence BasedOur intervention methods are based on the principles of ABA, which are scientifically evidenced. We incorporate the latest findings into our work while using positive behavior support and non-restraint strategies.CollaborativeWe believe in the spirit of collaboration. Parents, caregivers, teachers, etc. are vital members of our team -- regular communication and collaboration ensures consistency of approaches which produces the best outcomes for our clients.Strive for ExcellenceWe strive for continuous improvement and growth for our clients, our employees, and our organization. We are dedicated to continuing professional development in our organization to a level that exceeds industry standards.
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