Railroad Manufacture - Secunderabad, Telangana, India
Mahajin Engineering is focused on providing Decisive services in RAIL Safety & Signaling.Evolving Fail-Safe Architecture, (see Case Studies) determining Safety Lifestyles, preparing Technical Documentation, Compliance matters is Mahijin's Forte'Planning for Field Trials on a case to case basis is another Specialization area. Being well versed with CENELAC, or SIL Levels 1,2 ,3,or 4 holds Mahajin in Good stead while executing projects for Large Businesses such as Cognizant, L&T, Tech Mahindra, VOESTALTINE, THALES etc.,Evaluating Product Roadmaps for Successful deployment Calls for deep understanding of the Approvals Regime. Example: Having in house 360-degree Audit up ahead for a Train Collision Avoidance Systems vis a vis Fail Safe Architecture Reduces Engineering Overheads and Obtain Approvals readily. Mahajin Engineering is a Private limited technology software consulting companyheadquartered in the city of Hyderabad, India. Mahajin offers design and realisation capabilities and has access to a wide set ofproduct management/ Development skills with specialist focus Considerable expertise and experience related to railway standards & Specificationsrelevant to systems and products acquired by railways worldwide. True to its name Mahajin promises to deliver top class engineering intensive productdevelopment services Mahajin works on collaboration model for timely realisationMahajin Engineering has considerable development and test experience on severalProducts/ Systems such as EIS - Electronic Interlocking, TCAS -Train Collision avoidance,TPWS- Train Protection and Warning, Audio & High frequency Track Circuits, DAC- DigitalAxle Counter both single section and multi section, TAWD -Train Actuated Warning Device,CA/RDD - Control Agent and Remote Disconnection device, VDU -Visual Display Unit forIndian Railways.CapabilitiesMahajin offers comprehensive engineering services encompassing in safety and missioncritical system dev.