Consumer Services - Oslo, Oslo, Norway
Majiko works to distribute clean, reliable water on cargo bikes to a billion people. Majiko's customers are not buying water, they are buying freedom to control their own time. In off-grid communities, women and children often bear the primary responsibility for water collection. In some regions this accounts for up to 6 hours every day. Time lost due to walking and waiting for water is having a ripple effect on women's lives, spending hundreds of hours annually that they could instead devote to more valuable pursuits. Majiko means that children can go to school, women can work or get education and at the same time not worry about contaminated water. Today water is transported in Jerry-cans for gasoline or 20l containers made for cooking oil. Majiko distributes water in small 1 litre bottles to avoid dirty or even poisonous containers. The bike trailers are designed to clean and fill water away from the water point through a filtering and bottle cleaning system. By hiring local transporters Majiko is also providing jobs in the local community.If you want to get involved and give more people water freedom contact us at is a part of Moonwalk Innovation