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Maker Sustainability Consulting (MSC) is a sustainability strategy consultancy.We help business make critical decisions related to sustainability strategy and social impact of business growth and cost opportunities. We work to ensure that sustainability efforts are anchored in business fundamentals and demonstrate a clear return on investment - and that those efforts are then firmly embedded within our clients' strategy and operation.MSC是一家全球且独立的可持续发展战略咨询公司。我们提供可持续发展的方法论,解决企业在运营过程中存在的各项挑战,为商业创造价值,为社会创造价值。MSC独创商业分析结合社会调研的工具和方法,融入对企业和市场的深刻洞察,将可持续发展量身定制到企业的商业战略之中,帮助客户获得可持续的竞争优势。
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