Nonprofit Organization Management - , Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes, France
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From good practices to inclusive policies: the Making It Work Gender and Disability Project is addressing violence against women and girls with disabilities. This project is based on 1- identifying effective or innovative actions that have achieved positive changes (whether from grass-roots level initiatives or regional-level activities) 2 - documenting them and highlighting how they could be scaled up or replicated 3 - conduct evidence based advocacy. At the heart of this process, people with disabilities are validating what works and using the evidence-based good practices to strengthen their advocacy to influence social change.The methodology uses a multi-stakeholder approach, building alliances and collaboration around disability inclusion issues. Making It Work puts an emphasis on a "learning by doing" process that empowers groups to work collectively to document and promote change. This Gender and Disability project specifically acknowledges the vulnerability of women and girls with disabilities to gender and disability-based violence and the lack of documented good practices on inclusive responses to address it. On this ground, the MIW Gender and Disability project seeks to increase the visibility of women and girls with disabilities within international development, human rights, gender and humanitarian action to ensure that their voices and concerns are heard on how to respond to violence, abuse and exploitation throughout the world.
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