Information Technology & Services - Ware, England, United Kingdom
The adoption of technology is a challenge for any organisation. Even where a clear business case exists, and technology would bring efficiencies, the vast range of technologies make it is difficult to know which technology is the "right choice".Too often technology is chosen to address a business challenge without sufficient consideration of the need to change the way a business does things. Technology without change will probably fail and managing change is often more complicated than the core business issue.We understand business challenges and work with our customers to define strategies for the adoption of technology in order to obtain real benefits. By working with customers we are able to help project managers obtain the necessary buy-in from internal departments and stakeholders.Malcolm Allen have extensive experience of a wide range of automatic identification and data capture solutions and are perfectly positioned to help their customers make these choices. We are vendor neutral and bring only the best of breed vendors into a solution proposal.Please contact us to discuss your challenges and take advantage of our free initial consultation.
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