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About mameshare: A new online parenting platform, mameshare, has been founded by the former Assistant Editor-in-Chief of Sky Post, Elaine Tang. It aims to provide parenting news for parents of children aged 0 to 12 . Elaine Tang is the Founder and Editorial Director of Mameshare. She also contributes to am730, ohmykids, Stand News and CitizenNews as a Columnist. Website: www.mameshare.comFacebook Page: @mameshareigemail:關於mameshare: 全新親子平台 mameshare,由前晴報副老總兼親子界KOL鄧明儀小姐創辦,於2017年九月正式開業,為育有0至12歲孩子的年輕父母提供親子及育兒實用資訊。網址:www.mameshare.comFacebook 專頁: @mameshareig聯絡電郵
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