E-Learning - , Delhi, India
MANCH : National Speaker Assembly is the brainchild of severallegal luminaries and eminent personalities across the country andthe globe. "MANCH" is India's first debating and public speakingschool. It is a dream online platform which aims at proliferating"The Art of public speaking" and "The Art of Debating"providing ingenious understanding and cognizance of various fieldsto make sure that this art penetrates to every nook and corner ofthe ever-growing Nation, which will help in creating anddeveloping "Young Leaders". We offer an exceptional speech and debate education to studentsacross the nation. We provide the best instruction and argumentdevelopment support available, so that students will experiencecompetitive success. Through ambitious and studious brain across the country,"MANCH" aims at providing valuable contributions oncontemporary and social issues. We envision a Nation where everyindividual irrespective of their age, language,ethnicity, color,gender and religion have a confident and optimistic voice.
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