Primary/secondary Education - Bilston, England, United Kingdom
Manor Multi Academy Trust is a newly established Academy Trust and originated from the highly successful school improvement and partnership work led by Manor Primary School in Wolverhampton. We currently have two other schools in our Trust: Hill Avenue Academy and East Park Academy. It is our intention that every child who attends a school within our MAT attends a "Great School." That all pupils are nurtured, inspired and receive the very best education possible. Inspirational people create positive energy and generate enthusiasm within our schools. They help to develop individuality and creative thinking. In turn, our children will be inspired to believe that no mountain is too high to conquer and that nothing is impossible to achieve.Our academies are each at the centre of their own local communities. It is very important that each school has the opportunity and the freedom to respond to the needs of parents and children and create their own local solutions. As a family of academies we celebrate diversity and individuality. Manor Primary is an established designated National Teaching School and is well placed to provide an environment where leaders nurture, support, coach and empower all staff to be outstanding. We have developed highly skilled and reflective teachers, teaching assistants and other support staff who are dedicated and committed to ensuring pupils receive the highest quality and standards of educational experience. We are very proud of what has been achieved at Manor Primary, the sponsor school central to our MAT. As soon as you walk through the door you know you are in no ordinary school. Instantly the warmth, vibrancy and energy of the school is different. Our Trust is committed to leading by example and lives by its unswerving commitment to integrity, transparency and excellence.
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