Primary/Secondary Education - Itabira, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Manzoumeh Kherad Institute was established in September 2000.Our vision:Becoming a World-class Institute that is an Institute with the following features: -- High performance -- High commitment -- Life-long LearningOur mission is to help our audience to become more competent. Considering our Institute's vision and mission, the mission of our Schools is: Creating an environment in which all the members of the system can reach their full potentials.The active sections of the Institute are: ** Kherad Schools, i.e. Preschool, Elementary school, Junior High School and Senior High School ** Professional Development of Human Resources Research and Development ** Assessment Department ** Consultancy Department ** Art House ** Publications ** Sports CenterOur Facilities:Our building is 12000 Square meters consisting of 3 separate buildings and 7 floors with the following facilities: Pleasant Educational spaces including 6 laboratories: 2 for Physics, 1 for Chemistry, 2 for Biology and Geology.* Four computer labs* Central Library with 13950 books in Persian and English and 15 magazine and newspaper titles both in Persian and English* Elementary School Library with 8200 English and Persian books and 5 magazine titles* Preschool Library with 660 English and Persian books* Three different gyms for different kinds of sports* An Amphitheater accommodating more than 300 people* A Cafeteria serving 400 people at a time* A Conference Room accommodating 100 people* A Meeting Room accommodating 25 people* An Art Gallery* Health-care CenterAddress: Daneshjoo Blvd., Velenjak, Tehran, Iran Email: Post code: 1984715311Tel: 27682768Fax: 27682222