Nonprofit Organization Management - Parakou, Borgou, Benin
MAP AFRIQUE is an NGO whose mission is to include and promote economically and socially women organized in cooperatives in rural areas, for the enhancement and marketing of their production in 7 towns in northern Benin. This through technical and strategic training, support in their communication as well as logistical and organizational support.We are doing this in order to enable these women to be empowered, to reduce societal inequalities (early marriages, forced marriages, gender-based violence) and to fight against poverty in these communities. We defend the cause of women because women reinvest in their children, and therefore this benefits the whole of society.We are raising awareness of the importance of SSE, fair trade and the circular economy as levers for development in Africa, especially among women.MAP AFRIQUE remunerates these cooperatives by paying a price higher than the basic market price in order to help them finance health, education and infrastructure projects that improve their living and working conditions.Through fair trade, MAP AFRIQUE aims to have a positive impact on the economic development of women's cooperatives in Africa.Since its creation, MAP AFRIQUE has developed equitable production chains by partnering with communities of more than 20,000 women producers. These transparent and long-term relationships are materialized by collaboration protocols, which provide a framework for sustainable marketing:- Transparent remuneration above market prices,- Training and sensitization of women producers in good practices for processing almonds and producing shea butter- Development of natural resources and reforestation of forests.