Management Consulting - Scottsdale, Arizona, United States
At, we provide unmatched investment research and training to clients around the world through our:• Live Investment Webinars • Investment Newsletters • Online Video Courses • Various Writings/Reports/Presentations• eBooks • Investment Coaching"MoS Investing" stands for margin of safety investing, and it's a Warren Buffett-style strategy that some of the most successful investors in the world employ.If you're tired of settling for 5-6% returns, while watching your money disappear in each market crash, or you want to have more control of your money and where it goes, then MoS Investing is an approach that you'll grasp quickly and benefit from (many MoS investors earn 15%+ returns). "Margin of safety" is what investment-greats Benjamin Graham & Warren Buffett call the three most important words of investing. It means that every investment should be made with a margin for error regarding future projections, and a degree of safety when it comes to managing your risk. They've said you could get pretty much everything about an investment wrong, but if you consistently invest with an MoS, you will still come out ahead. We and our students are able to get a margin of safety in our investments by purchasing excellent companies (with a high probability of success) at bargain prices (low degree of risk). Since the market generally overreacts to both positive and negative news, we look to take advantage of these opportunities and inefficiencies by capitalizing on our deep research approach, long time horizon, and ability to move quickly and quietly without making a lot of noise. This MoS concept provides us with great potential for realizing outsized returns without the need to take on outsized risk.You can get started for free by joining "The MoS Investor" newsletter (, where you'll get instant access to our valuation calculators, eBook, investment insights, and training on how to invest with a margin of safety.
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