Energy - Arendal, , NO
We are shaping the green energy transitionVolue is a leading technology supplier and enabler for Europe's green energy transition. We offer software, hardware and expertise to make the green shift from fossil to renewable energy possible. Our industrial platforms and a wide range of software solutions automate and optimise energy production, trading, distribution, and consumption. Through this approach, we enable the green transition and increase revenues and yield for our customers. We also provide market-leading solutions and technology for the municipalities, water, infrastructure construction, defence, transport, maritime, and offshore. Volue has a growing customer base all over Europe. Among our international customers are eight of the ten largest European utilities, including EnBW, Enel, E.ON, Fortum, Innogy, RWE, Uniper, and Vattenfall. In the Nordics, an incredible 90 per cent of all power generation is planned by using our solutions. Volue is publicly listed on Oslo Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol VOLUE. Headquartered in Oslo, Norway, the group's companies have offices in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Switzerland, Poland, and Turkey.
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