Market Research - , ,
The Market Research Global Alliance Study Bounty (MRGA SB) was born as a result of the Market Research Global Alliance Social Network ( Members of the by invitation only social network wanted to figure out a way to do business together without impeding on the social network goals: Keeping the community as a grass roots platform with no agenda other than to bring the industry together and as a platform for any member to discuss what is on their mind, challenging them or even uniting over industry related topics. Study Bounty is a referral network that helps give unbiased feedback to End-Users or managers seeking market research services the MRGA SB. Giving its partners the ability to have it managed directly or referred based on membership needs, FREE of charge. The only charge the MRGA SB charges is a small referral fee to the winner of the project or project management costs to help with partnership evaluation.The MRGA SB is a referral organization that simply helps its membership understand and strategically manage a process called B.E.T.T. - Budget, Expenses, Time, and (Trust) makes authorized members manage experience through a trusted track record.
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