Hospitality - Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Marketboomer - Creators of PurchasePlus, the best and most complete end-to-end, e-procurement member based marketplace, connecting hospitality buyers and suppliers across the world.As a buyer you can now connect to an extensive supplier network covering your region and also worldwide. Now it is much easier to check the availability of goods, suppliers catalogues, and most importantly, prices! Purchase Plus will show you the lowest prices in your region, to make sure you are buying goods using cost effective options.If you are a supplier, you can now be part of a live marketplace and be connected with our extensive network of hotels, restaurants, hospitality venues and many more. Now you don't have to struggle to find buyers for your products. It's an open market ecosystem that will help you grow your business and build scalable relationships with your buyers.To keep it short, this is how it works. The buyer can create an order from multiple suppliers, and get the order approved by their manager. Upon approval, a Purchase Order is sent to each Supplier without any human intervention required.The supplier receives the order, sends the goods and the electronic invoice to the buyer.Once the buyer receives the goods and invoices, PurchasePlus ensures the procurement process is completed accurately and automatically. Automatic 3 way matching ensures that most invoices are processed straight through to your Accounts Payable system in an instantBuyers can control costs with approval workflows, inventory controls, live recipes costing, budgets and rebate management. New team members can immediately access what you buy, who you buy it from and how much it should cost. PurchasePlus delivers an ALL-IN-ONE solution, covering the complete procure-to-pay journey, connected suppliers, paperless Invoicing all on a platform designed to evolve with your business! It's a better way to grow.Powered by Marketboomer group of Companies.