Office Equipment hardware - Coral Gables, FL, US is an independent provider of equity research and indexes founded on the belief that fundamental analysis and transparency are central to better investment decision-making. Formed in 1999, MarketGrader offers investors an online research service that aggregates financial data on publicly traded companies and analyzes them based on a proprietary quantitative methodology using 24 indicators across growth, value, profitability and cash flow. Our growth at a reasonable price (GARP) methodology is designed to identify consistent creators of economic value as we believe such stocks are the best long-term generators of shareholder value. Since its first index was constructed in 2003, MarketGrader Indexes have provided an alternative to traditional market capitalization weighted benchmarks, selecting constituents based on fundamentals rather than size. Seeking only the most financially healthy companies trading at attractive prices, MarketGrader Indexes cover Domestic, International and Global equities markets from a global universe of more than 35,000 companies across 100 markets, representing over $75 trillion in market capitalization. In 2007, MarketGrader created the firm's flagship Barron's 400 Index in conjunction with Barron's, America's premier financial magazine, which is tracked by the Barron's 400 ETF.
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