- Stony Point, North Carolina, United States
Have you executed marketing plans based on tactics like search engine optimization, social media push, and email? Did those tactics ever miss the mark, and or fall short of your expectations? Perhaps, that direction was a recommendation by a marketing professional and made sense at the time. Perhaps those tactics still make sense? But I would propose that Albert Einstein said it best when he said "We can not solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them"At Marketing Direction Now, we begin by building an in-depth strategy with you. This strategy is all about getting your team understanding your market, being able to articulate your unique difference and measuring the results of your marketing efforts. It's about identifying your ideal target client, crafting the most effective message, and ensuring they Know, Like and Trust you. From there the mission is to have them naturally move to a state of ongoing Buying and Referring. This strategy is a proven model for consistently growing your business, and delighting your customers.