E-learning - , ,
The Marketing industry has been revolutionized by changes in technology and social media. Traditional education institutions have seen ridiculous inflation of tuition while they struggle to offer sufficiently contemporary curriculum. The internet has been flooded with micro-lessons, videos, conflicting advice, and a slew of get-rich-quick strategies that are predictably ineffective. 80% of CEOs believe the need for new skills is their biggest challenge. For employees, opportunities for development have become the second most important factor in workplace happiness.There is a need for young marketers to understand traditional marketing theory and best practices, especially as they relate to branding, and there is a need for seasoned corporate executives to understand new technologies and methodologies and for new best practices to be established.So we decided to create the Marketing Summit Academy! We knew that between our combined fields of expertise (digital marketing), we had a very comprehensive and complimentary overview of the industry at large. And we knew our combined experience, formal training, and orientation towards innovation, provided sufficient depth to tackle these challenges.Our goals aim is to:> Establish an internationally recognized digital certification platform> Foster and support our own industry community in the process
Ruby On Rails
Cloudflare DNS
Google Font API
CloudFlare Hosting
Bootstrap Framework