Publishing - Miami, FL, US
"Seeing your business through your customer's eyes is the subject of Raúl Amigo's new book, Beyond Customer Experience. He wants to take us deep into the mind of the consumer, into his heart, his emotions, his beliefs. He wants us to be able to understand what it is like to be that customer, to think that customer's thoughts and share that customer's feelings. The book you hold in your hands right now begins and ends with the very essence of delivering a better customer experience. And every customer's experience is unique, emotional, cognitive, subjective. Every customer's experience is personal to that individual customer.Delivering a better customer experience represents an immense problem to solve, even for a company with no cumbersome industrial-era baggage. And with every new interactive platform or mobile app, the urgency of solving it only intensifies, as customers become even more informed, even more demanding and impatient. So read this book, then get started"Don Peppers, Founder of Peppers & Rogers Group. Author of "Customer Experience:What, How and Why now"