Education/Training - Tunbrige Wells, ENG, UK
Maths — No Problem! is a network of teaching resources backed by 30 years of research and refinement. MNP provides training, teaching tools and ongoing support to teachers all around the world. It's everything you need to make maths better for your school.Our award-winning Primary Maths Series textbooks are recommended by the DfE for schools on the mastery programme. Plus, they're fully aligned with the 2014 English national curriculum.Learn more about us at mathsnoproblem.comWinner of the Academic, Educational and Professional Publisher of the Year from the Bookseller's the British Book Awards 2018 #nibbiesWinner of the Independent Publisher of the Year at the IPG Independent Publishing Awards 2018 (the first ever education publisher to win).Winner of the Education Publisher of the Year at the IPG Independent Publishing Awards 2018.Winner of the Education Publisher of the Year at the IPG Independent Publishing Awards 2017.Shortlisted for the British Book Design and Production Awards 2015.
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