Telecommunications - Salo, , Finland
2009 Matti Alen founds Mativation Oy for project management training and consulting Project Management Office (PMO) 2010 Engineering Office is operative with PMO 2010 Mativation is involved in "Innovation Mill" program and starts development of Lightning Detector product The result of the program is Fast Development tool "MC-Board". Mativation was licensed as "Authorised Design Partner" for Microchip Ltd as a first Finnish company. Mativation has Mfi and Developer lisensses for Apple applications and accessories development. Project planning and executing at large and complex level Product Creation Process Tuotekehitysprosessin ja menetelmien hallinta Curtomer Driven product creation planning and execute Radio Frequency technology Know-how Aerial design and type approval requirements Know-how Patent professionals Embedded SW development and execution Server- and PC SW development SunKumppani network company partner Running small business entity # of references
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