Food Production - Pune, Maharashtra, India
The Matoshree Group business unit falls under 4 divisions – Livestock Farming, Agricultural Products, Food Processing and Catering, in addition to the above 4 divisions there are some additional ventures that are been projected – Agro Tourism, Bio Gas and Power generation, Organic Farming consultation and distribution of organic products etc.Matoshree Group operates around the world. We have more than nine production sites globally – in Asia, Africa, Europe, North America and South America. Work in close collaboration with our customers, at the local, regional and global level.Matoshree Group of Companies has grown rapidly since its inception – they have their presence in almost every continent right from Americana (Canada) to Africa (South Africa), From Asian diaspora (Japan) to Schengen Countries (France) to Middle East (Dubai GCC) and Asia Pacific (Australia). In near-future Matoshree Group of Companies wishes to expand further in order to spread its value proposition and engross with the wider cluster of global innovative stakeholders.
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