E-learning - , Cairo Governorate, Egypt
Matrix Academy is the academic subsidiary of the software and business solutions company (Matrix Clouds).The Academy provides training on:Web Programming, Graphic Design, E-marketing and Software Testing.We aim at providing scientific and accurate training on these four courses, so that the trainee, after having graduated from the Academy, will have great awareness and excellency in his/her area of study and can combine scientific culture with the practical skill.Regardless of the training certificates, We provide our practical experiences along with a unique content that combines the basic curriculums provided at all universities and the Egyptian universities with the modern curriculums that have not been taught yet in Egypt. That's how we made our slogan "BE QUALIFIED NOT CERTIFIED"Away from the methodical training, the Academy also organizes various workshops on the four courses, periodically, to whoever wants to acquire practical experience on a definite part of any course. The workshop is supervised by professional trainers with great experiences on all fields that we provide.