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Mavara is a cloud organization and is continuously improving. The information, inquiries, articles, and documents shared here would be saved for the usage of other people entering the same journey. Our cognitive lenses, generated throughout our lives, interpret the world for us and shape our understanding of ourselves, the world, and the others. On several occasions, these lenses have provided us with but a few, predictable, and fixed approaches to encounter with the circumstances we face.Incessant inquiries about who I am into which the world, myself, and the others occur for me are major discussion subjects of the "Transformation" Course. The course also covers inquiring into how the world beyond us is influenced by what's inside of us. Dr. Morteza Imanirad and his colleagues have been presenting the Transformation Course for 15 years.Having access to the realms of possibility, removing constraints that are imposed on our lives and we are blind to their presence, encountering with our self and taking the stance of one who is playing on the court as opposed to the one who is observing from the stands, have a tangible influence on a person's everyday life.With a shift in one's perspective, professional circumstances occur differently, transforming the perception of surroundings, strategic decision-making, utilization of tools, and the quality of communications.The Center for Economic and Leadership Studies, Mavara, is a foundation for effective and consistent inquiry, examination, and exercise of the Transformation Course topics in everyday life and business.Mavara is the possibility to step into the world of transformation and live in it, a center for transformational courses,networking, sharing the experiences, communicating the transformational language to society, providing infrastructure and products on leadership and personal excellence.Mavara is seeking a world beyond our "self"s.