Management Consulting - Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Sports Organisations and leaders who want to get to the head of the pack, stay out in front or blaze a new trail entirely need to find an edge. That performance edge might be realised through budgets or culture, through leadership or review. Maverick Edge is about exactly that - providing an edge. We bring independent, non-conformist, innovative thinking to your pursuit of excellence. Whether our clients want to be bigger, better, faster, leaner, stronger; whether they want evolution or revolution. Hearts and minds, strategy and action. We are here to bring ideas to the table, support the change process and make it stick.We work predominantly in the areas of sport, recreation and health. Our consulting services include leadership, strategy, commercialisation, high performance sport audits, sport program development, change management, facilitation and lean thinking. We help you to stop treading water or just "doing what has always been done". We love nothing more than working with clients to discover what is possible