E-learning - , ,
MAVERICK as our name suggests we always try to do something new & innovative. That's the reason whenever we design, plan & make a new product , our main aim is to give something new to our clients. Our product range includes :EDUCATIONAL INTERACTIVE PRACTICE ORIENTED CONTENT TO SCHOOLS TO BE TAUGHT AT SMART CLASSES, EDUCATIONAL products (Animated E Learning content, EDUCATIONAL CD ROMs, EDUCATIONAL WEBPORTALS ) which help students to learn/study in an interesting, interactive and unique way,SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS for small, medium & large enterprises(e.g. ERP SOLUTIONS ),OFFICE AUTOMATION PRODUCTS,SECURITY SYSTEMS & MUCH MORE.There are number of schools using are EDUCATIONAL products for teaching students at their schools in INDIA. Our products are also sold/used in DUBAI and MALAYSIA and very soon we will be available in AUSTRALIA and other parts of MIDDLE EAST.We Always had /have futuristic approach while developing our products which are developed by our team of highly experienced, qualified, talented , innovative & dedicated developers, designers & animators. We have expertise in graphic designing ,animation, developing softwares in any language. Our team includes software skills with more than 15 years of international experience in E Learning, designing & developing.