Hospitality - Portsmouth, England, United Kingdom
Maxibar was developed in response to a perennial headache for hoteliers; how to provide a 24/7 room-service without the hassles associated with room fridges.Servicing approximately 150 rooms each, Maxibars can provide beverages, confectionary, ice, and a whole range of other products such as toiletries, maps, souvenirs and electrical goods. As Maxibars are fully integrated with your PMS, there's no cash needed and no more disputes at check out.Here are just some of the benefits• Generate revenue and increase profits• Reduce staff costs with minimal maintenance and administration.• Greater stock control reducing revenue loss• Increase the variety of products for your guests• Integrated with your room key billing system• Reduced energy consumptionMaxibars are easy to install and can be customized to suit your existing interior design. Once installed they are simple to run and require very little maintenance. However, for your peace of mind, all Maxebar systems are covered by our Europe-wide servicing network.
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