Arts & Crafts - Albany, New York, United States
This is Tierastyn & Souhimbou, Executive Director & Co-Founders of M&E PRODUCTION HEALING HART INC. As a pro-people and humanitarian nonprofit 501c3; We organize, coordinate, and run events/activities geared toward the benefit of our local communities and humanity at large.MISSION STATEMENT:"Our mission is to utilize Cultural Education, Art, and Entertainment to spread Love & Peace throughout humanity as well as inspire the public to get involved in their own arts, hasten their own growth and improve all quality of life. We also promote, advocates and guide individuals in how to build healthy mental health. "SERVICE OFFER: This email is a serious inquiry in regard to our nonprofit organization providing you with our novel and World Premiere service coined "Art Therapy Modality Treatment (ATMT)" service.One hallmark of our organization is our gift for Art Therapy- Our Healing Hart Masterpieces are Ethereal and Multidimensional in nature. Our work boasts therapeutic and socially unifying properties.Our Masterpieces of Contemporary Art are handcrafted and tailor-designed to calm, relax, soothe, and alleviate tension, stress, and anxiety of the observer.This is done through various sensory modes: visualizing, touching, smelling, handling, and seeing-thru as well as physical interaction.We provide all the art supplies and materials as well as provide professional guidance and artistic inspiration on how to heal oneself mental, socio-emotional and psychological health using creative expression as a therapeutic modality.Our Art Therapy influences the human brain to improve:-Personal Development (Self-Love, Self-Care, Self-Respect, Self-Consideration, High Self-Esteem, Self-Mastery)-Social Relationships & Dynamics (Kindness, Forgiveness, Communication, Patience, Understanding, Multi-cultural Fluency, etc...)-Professional Values & Qualities (Integrity, Resilience, Drive, Motivation, Tact,etc..)