Nonprofit Organization Management - Evanston, Illinois, United States
Meals at Home fosters health and contributes to individual well-being and independence by delivering nutritious meals, medically prescribed diets, and providing other supportive services to the home bound, elderly, disabled and others temporarily unable to care for their nutritional needs. Our service area on the Northshore of Chicago includes Evanston, Wilmette, Winnetka, Skokie, Northfield, Northbrook, and Kenilworth. Meals at Home provides two meals a day: one hot and one cold. All food from our hospital kitchen is low salt, low fat, and low cholesterol. Medically prescribed diets are also available such as diabetic, cardiac, renal, gluten free, or salt free. These nutritious meals are supplied by St. Francis Hospital, Northshore University HealthSystem/Evanston Hospital, Three Crowns Park, Jilly's Cafe, Capt'n Nemo's, and Curt's Cafe. Meals are provided on a sliding scale. Meals at Home Volunteers deliver meals Monday through Saturday anytime between 11:00am and 1:30pm. Meals are delivered in all weather and on all holidays unless the holiday falls on a Sunday. Volunteers use their own vehicles to deliver meals on predetermined routes. Anyone can volunteer but you must be at least 21 years and have a valid driver's license and insurance to drive. Volunteers may work independently or in pairs and sign up for at least one route a month or week. Interested in volunteering? Go to or call us at 847.332.2678 for more information and to get started.
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