Motion Pictures and Film - , British Columbia, Canada
OverviewmediAm is a cloud-based film distribution platform designed to help build a modern, autonomous and profitable motion picture industry in Canada — and to assist other countries and regions do the same.Headquartered in Vancouver, mediAm has been financed and built by film production professionals who believe that as conventional models of content distribution continue to transform and erode, the creation of a simple, intuitive, and fully monetized digital distribution network will be integral to their long-term livelihood. Corporate PhilosophymediAm is a privately held company with the clear mandate to promote film production through democratized distribution. mediAm's corporate structure is guided by the principles of social entrepreneurship: our company is designed to make a profit — but not a huge one. The majority of mediAm's profits will be reinvested into film production.Mission StatementOur mission is to foster the growth of all types of media production by engaging audiences in a new form of distribution — one that enables viewers to find, watch, promote — and through direct payment — help fund the content they value most.mediAm is nonexclusive, content neutral and promotes regional content as an initial default. We recognize that the viewer—creator/provider relationship is an inextricably symbiotic relationship. To facilitate this mediAm has developed powerful tools to meaningfully match viewers with creators/providers.
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