Public Policy - Jerusalem, Jerusalem District, Israel
Vision: Professional enterprising leadership in the field of medical technology and infrastructure, to provide the citizens of Israel with high-quality, cutting-edge and equitable health services. The Medical Technology and Infrastructure Administration (MTIA), within the Israeli Ministry of Health, is responsible for:• Setting national policy in the field of Medical Technologies and Infrastructure – i.e. drugs, medical devices, diagnostic & therapeutic procedures, radiation-emitting products and health institutions & equipment.• Formulating and implementing regulations as well as registering and licensing medical technologies and infrastructure (hospitals, health institutions & equipment).• Administering and updating the National List of Health Services (NLHS), which contains range of reimbursed medical technologies, such as pharmaceuticals, medical devices and procedures. • Providing independent, evidence-based Health Technology Assessment (HTA)of drugs, medical devices & procedures.• Promoting safe use of medical imaging devices including radiation protection of patients during medical procedures.