Medical Practice - Milan, Lombardy, Italy
2009 - Start testing at the Department of Oncology, Hospital of Rho (Milan) a first apparatus for electromagnetic diagnostics on the market.2010 - Despite the validity of the idea of using the eletromagnetic interactions with tumor tissues for diagnostic purposes , the first results were unsatisfactory for routine use, mainly for the presence of interference, the lack of repeatability of the examination and a experimental setup is not well defined.2011 - The idea is mature, and a group of friends decides to incorporate MEDIELMA, investing and also hiring a group of engineers and technical consultants.Begins work in the offices of the "newborn" MEDIELMA, come to the realization of a first prototype that will resume the trial with numerous technological improvements. In the same year filed for a patent at the EPO and PCT.2012 - ESO-MED 4G is born, the first device dedicated to electro electromagnetic diagnostics, and certified by IMQ and Cermet.2013 - Medielma improves device performance by introducing new technological solutions that lead to a control of all the parameters of the examination, to a greater repeatability of the diagnostic procedure and a simplification of use for the physician.ESO-Med 8G is introduced.2014 - At the end of 2014, Medielma start the project of another generation of products still dedicated to electromagnetic diagnosis of tumors.2015 - In October 2015, Medielma introduce the first model of a new family of tumor detection system called ESO-Prost 9.2016 - Medielma introduce a new automatic cancer detection system, part of ESO-MED 9 family called ESO-Prost 9.