Health, Wellness & Fitness - , ,
Η ΜEDISANA HELLAS είναι θυγατρική της Γερμανικής πολυεθνικής MEDISANA A.G. μίας από τις κορυφαίες εταιρίες στον χώρο του HOME HEALTH CARE, η οποία εξειδικεύεται στην δημιουργία πρωτοποριακών προϊόντων που αφορούν τον έλεγχο, την πρόληψη, την φροντίδα και την αποκατάσταση της υγείας, καθώς και την εξειδικευμένη φροντίδα και περιποίηση του σώματος. Τα προϊόντα ΜEDISANA ΕΝΕΡΓΟΠΟΙΟΥΝ τις φυσικές αυτοθεραπευτικές δυνάμεις του οργανισμού, ΑΥΞΑΝΟΥΝ την κυκλοφορία του αίματος, ΑΝΑΚΟΥΦΙΖΟΥΝ από τους πόνους, ΕΠΙΛΥΟΥΝ προβλήματα πολλών παθήσεων και ΠΡΟΣΦΕΡΟΥΝ χαλάρωση και ευεξία. Nothing is more important to people than their health. This fact has been driving our company for about 30 years, making MEDISANA now one of the leading healthcare specialists. We operate in the home health care market and work continuously to develop, manufacture and market healthcare products for the end user – so that these products can help ever more people to monitor their own state of health independently and conscientiously, to treat themselves without risk, and to practice beauty care professionally. Human health is a demanding goal, actively pursued by our strong team at MEDISANA. A high level of experience, internationality, enthusiasm for technology, creativity and motivation are as self-evident as good team spirit. MEDISANA International documents our boundless activities in product development and marketing. We use the resources of the world market, and in recent years have established an international corporate network of subsidiaries, licence partners and distributors – a healthy company with potential for growth. Talk to us if you want to find out more about MEDISANA. We look forward to your interest.
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