Oil & Energy - Birzebbugia, Southern Region, Malta
Medserv provides integrated shore base logistics to the offshore oil and gas industry and engineering and supply chain management for Oil Country Tubular Goods (OCTG) to support the offshore and onshore oil and gas industry.\\Shore Base Logistics are centred on the Group's bases in Mediterranean rim countries of Malta, Italy, Cyprus, Portugal and Egypt. Medserv supports National and International oil companies in their offshore exploration, development and production activities.\\Engineering and Supply Chain Management for OCTG are delivered through Middle East Tubular Services Group of Companies (METS), from bases in UAE, Iraq and Oman.\\In addition to our main services we also provide the following:\• Fabric Maintenance, Dredging & Engineering Services\• Manufacture of Drilling Fluids\• Electrical Power Generation, from large scale PV Solar arrays\\Medserv operates to internationally recognised and certified standards and practices for ethical compliance, quality, health, safety, security and environmental management. These standards are applied to all our locations globally to ensure consistency of service delivery excellence.\Medserv is listed on the Malta Stock Exchange and has been providing a range of essential services to the oil and gas industry for over forty years. \\More information www.medservenergy.com www.metsuae.com\\\\
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