Oil & Energy - Belgrade, , Serbia
Mega Urea je porodično preduzeće koje se prvobitno bavi distribucijom INA maziva i ulja za tržište Republike Srbije.Mega Urea se bavi i marketingom, brandingom i uslugama koje se odnose na izgradnju biznisa i biznis planova (kratkoročnih i dugoročnih), uz najnovije i najbolje svetske metode.Kod nas Vi niste samo kupac,Vi ste deo porodice!English*Mega Urea is a family company that originally deals with the distribution of INA lubricants and oils for the market of the Republic of Serbia.Mega Urea also deals with marketing, branding and services related to building businesses and business plans (short-term and long-term), with the latest and best world methods.With us, you are not just a customer,You are part of the family!