Chemicals - Mortsel, Flanders, Belgium
Monitoring of developing chemical regulations, globally (eg India, China, Taiwan, EU, EMEA, Latin-america, Africa….) and implementation projects.Analysis of toxicological data for chemical hazard assessments (eg REACH, MEE12,...) and support on classification and labelling under GHS/CLP and Dangerous Goods.Support in selection of quality systems for preclinical testing chemicals (OECD GLP, ISO17025, ISO9001)Advice in the selection of OECD GLP certified contract labs. (Preclinical Toxicology & genotoxicology& in vitro studies, Ecotoxicology, Studies on behaviour in water, soil and air; Residue studies and Bioaccumulation; Field trials, Analytical chemistry testing, Safety studies: pharmacokinetic, toxicokinetic, pharmacodynamic and immunogenicity studies, analytical method validation, microbiological studies, contract archives)Presentations and training