Individual & Family Services - Richardson, Texas, United States
When people are in dire circumstances, like poverty, they keep moving, keep hoping the next place will be better. This is what happens when our relationships are in poverty; we give up and move on, hoping it will be better next time. Sometimes we just give up and don't even try again. Ever known people like that?Developing an emotionally wealthy relationship requires walking through the minefields. Not all of us are brave enough to do it, that's what the divorce rate is so high. But once you discover how each trigger contains important, valuable, and precious pieces of information about your partner that changes everything. These parts of your partner are the very things that drew you to them in the first place, but they have been hiding behind layers of dynamite. Fearing the explosions, you have tiptoed around trying not to set off the blast only to lose your partner and your love in the process.Once you discover how to defuse the charge and hold the treasure in your hands, providing the safety and nurturing that part needs to come into the light of day, you'll discover the fun of playing with the person you fell in love with so long ago.Marriage advice is cheap, and comes in all forms. But marriage help comes from transforming how you experience yourself and your partner. Help for couples is not won by learning communication techniques, marriage advice is no more than that. Transformation of the context is what makes for a healthy, lasting marriage.
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